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Laudate Dominum Pueri

  We are currently researching the archives of Chester Cathedral for information relating to the Former Chester Cathedral Choir school. Since the Choir School closed in 1975, little remains of it’s existence in documentary terms, although there are a full set of school photographs available for viewing in the Cathedral Library.

Please contact the Cathedral Office to arrange viewing. If you were a former scholar either singing or non-singing, or are related to a former scholar and have any information, please contact the following :

  Jeremy M Jones, The Thatch, 161 Main Road, Broughton, Flintshire CH4 0NT

or E-mail him on

Jeremy Jones.

  Recently we have received the following image from a former chorister and was taken around 1952. The chorister in question, we would like to thank is Roger Moors, he’s at the end of the second row on the right hand side.  

We will be pleased to receive information on memories you may have to share, which will be accredited to you when placed on the Web site.In the meantime here are a few images of the old school. There will be more appearing in the next few weeks.Here’s one from 1970 (my era!). Do you recognise any former friends here? (I’m third from the left on the back row!)


More pictures can be found in our Photo Gallery
Many Thanks.
Jeremy M Jones